Set up external ceph cluster with Rook

This blog will help you out understand the various configuration we need to do to manage the external ceph cluster with Rook.

Checkout released Rook branch

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]git clone
[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]git checkout v1.4.6
[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]cd rook/cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph

Let’s step into the ceph directory as we are more intrested in configuring the Rook for ceph

Check network connectivity on your kubernetes nodes

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]cat < /dev/tcp/
ceph v027���'e����'^C
[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $] cat < /dev/tcp/
ceph v2

Press ctrl+c as the command didn’t return.

Create Required RBAC for Rook

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kubectl create -f common.yaml

Create operator deployment

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kubectl create -f operator.yaml

Verify Rook operator is running

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kuberc get po
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
rook-ceph-operator-86756d44-vdr8b   1/1     Running   0          3m20s
rook-discover-sfjrf                 1/1     Running   0          2m47s

Importing external ceph cluster

Create RBAC for external ceph cluster

If Rook is not managing any existing cluster in the rook-ceph namespace do: kubectl create -f common.yaml kubectl create -f operator.yaml kubectl create -f cluster-external.yaml (you need to change the namespace to rook-ceph)

If there is already a cluster managed by Rook in rook-ceph then do: kubectl create -f common-external.yaml kubectl create -f cluster-external-management.yaml

In my case Rook is not managing any ceph cluster in rook-ceph namespace i will create both common-external.yaml and cluster-external-management.yaml

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kubectl create -f common-external.yaml

Import external ceph cluster

Export few pieces of information required for importing external ceph cluster

export NAMESPACE=rook-ceph-external ---> Namespace where we are planning use of external ceph cluster
export ROOK_EXTERNAL_FSID=db747e90-2ede-4867-9aee-ba233aa1db55 ---> Run `ceph fsid` on your ceph cluster to get this
export ROOK_EXTERNAL_ADMIN_SECRET=AQA2cSJfOMblMRAAeHroW3THSZukFGtpkIhZ1w== ---> Run `ceph auth get-key client.admin`
on external ceph cluster
export ROOK_EXTERNAL_CEPH_MON_DATA=mon.ceph-node1= ---> Run `ceph mon dump` to get the list of monitors(passing one Monitor IP should be enough)

Make sure you pass correct monitor name, Provided an example below mon.ceph-node1 is the monitor name for

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]ceph mon dump
dumped monmap epoch 1
epoch 1
fsid fbafbb58-51d3-4f44-bedd-b3b728bc5766
last_changed 2020-10-27 09:48:52.247843
created 2020-10-27 09:48:52.247843
min_mon_release 14 (nautilus)
0: [v2:,v1:] mon.ceph-node1
1: [v2:,v1:] mon.ceph-node2
2: [v2:,v1:] mon.ceph-node3

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $] bash

Create ceph cluster CRD

As we have created secrets required for the external ceph cluster, Let’s create ceph cluster CRD.

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $] cat cluster-external-management.yaml
kind: CephCluster
  name: rook-ceph-external
  namespace: rook-ceph-external
    enable: true -> set this to false if you want Rook to manage your external ceph cluster
  dataDirHostPath: /var/lib/rook
  # providing an image is required, if you want to create other CRs (rgw, mds, nfs)
  # In latest Rook release we dont need to provide cephVersion we can skip this one.
    image: ceph/ceph:v14.2.12 # Should match external cluster version
[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kubectl create -f cluster-external-management.yaml

Let us check the status of the externa ceph cluster

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kubectl get cephcluster -nrook-ceph-external
NAME                 DATADIRHOSTPATH   MONCOUNT   AGE   PHASE        MESSAGE                 HEALTH
rook-ceph-external   /var/lib/rook                16s   Connecting   Cluster is connecting

If the status is in the Connecting Phase for a longtime please check Rook operator pod which will be running in rook-ceph namespace.

If you don’t see any useful logs in the operator pod, increase the log level of the Rook operator deployment.

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kubectl edit deployment rook-ceph-operator -nrook-ceph


  value: DEBUG

And watch for the operator logs again of any issue

2020-10-30 12:25:40.271439 E cephclient: ceph username is empty
2020-10-30 12:25:40.275572 D op-config: CephCluster “rook-ceph-external” status: “Failure”. “Failed to configure external ceph cluster”

If you see an error like ceph username we need to remove the unwanted entry in the secret created from the

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kubectl edit secret rook-ceph-mon -nrook-ceph-external
apiVersion: v1
  admin-secret: QVFBMmNTSmZPTWJsTVJBQWVIcm9XM1RIU1p1a0ZHdHBrSWhaMXc9PQ==
  ceph-secret: ""
  ceph-username: ""
  cluster-name: cm9vay1jZXBoLWV4dGVybmFs
  mon-secret: bW9uLXNlY3JldA==
kind: Secret

As the secret contains empty ceph-username and ceph-secret the ceph cluster is not getting connected just remove those 2 entries from the secret and save it.

Start Watching for the operator pod log again, to see if there are any other issues

We have got one more issue in Rook operator related to updating secret failure

2020-10-30 12:32:55.493617 E | ceph-cluster-controller: failed to reconcile. failed to reconcile cluster “rook-ceph-external”: failed to configure external ceph cluster: failed to create csi kubernetes secrets: failed to create kubernetes csi secret: failed to create kubernetes secret map[“userID”:”csi-rbd-provisioner” “userKey”:”AQAMBphfoeniNhAAtE7ZO00ZPBiJLwHU1hZnAw==”] for cluster “rook-ceph-external”: failed to update secret for rook-csi-rbd-provisioner: Secret “rook-csi-rbd-provisioner” is invalid: type: Invalid value: “”: field is immutable

To fix this issue lets delete all the secrets created by script and let Rook create required secrets

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kubectl delete secret rook-csi-cephfs-node rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner rook-csi-rbd-node rook-csi-rbd-provisioner -nrook-ceph-external
secret "rook-csi-cephfs-node" deleted
secret "rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner" deleted
secret "rook-csi-rbd-node" deleted
secret "rook-csi-rbd-provisioner" deleted

Once we delete the secrets, let’s restart the Rook operator pod

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kubectl delete po/rook-ceph-operator-675fdbc9d9-g6mjm -nrook-ceph

Start Watching for the operator pod log again, to see if there are any other issues

Meanwhile, start checking the cephclusters status

[🎩︎]mrajanna@localhost $]kubectl get -nrook-ceph-external
NAME                 DATADIRHOSTPATH   MONCOUNT   AGE   PHASE       MESSAGE                          HEALTH
rook-ceph-external   /var/lib/rook                32m   Connected   Cluster connected successfully   HEALTH_OK

Wow!!! Now Rook is connected to the external ceph cluster.

Written on October 30, 2020